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Index » Announcements » Happy birthday! (Atom feed)

Pages: 1

#1: 08 Apr 2013 06:20

offline Jacob

user avatar

Today is the first anniversary of our founding on April 7, 2012!
To celebrate this, we decided we would create a new revolutionary program. What we eventually decided on making was FutureBB. While the software is not complete, there is an alpha available for download. This alpha works completely, it just is missing a few features.
In FutureBB, we have a bunch of awesome features, such as...

  • Simplicity and ease of use
  • Additional CSS style sets that can be uploaded with one click
  • Full unread message tracking
  • The ability to move topics
  • A trash bin to recover deleted topics and posts
  • Custom text in the footer
  • User avatars
  • However, we have one feature that NO OTHER FORUM SYSTEM HAS. We have a perfect topic URL system.

    Here is how the traditional URL system works:
    Topic URL: viewtopic.php?id=5
    Forum URL: viewforum.php?id=3

    Some people have improved upon this, trying to make the URLs "friendlier", so that users and search engines can understand them better. They look something like this:
    Topic URL: topics/5/your-topic
    Forum URL: forums/3/some-forum

    However, we thought that even that wasn't enough. We didn't want to have ANY obnoxious ID numbers in the URL. We came up with this system:
    Topic URL: some-forum/some-topic
    Forum URL: some-forum

    Not a single other forum system currently available has that feature. They all have ID numbers in there somewhere, which makes it harder for search engines and people to understand their system.

    So, if you want to check out our alpha, visit its product page, download it, and install it.

    Today also marks the launch of FutureSight Hardware. For a relatively low price compared to most commercial manufacturers, you can get a pretty powerful webserver. Our only current available model starts at $450 and meets all of the necessary specs to run a fairly powerful website.

    We also plan to sell personal computers in the future, and built-to-order order desktops. We will announce more details as they come.

    The website is hardware.futuresight.org, and servers are on the servers page.

    Jacob G.
    Executive director and co-head developer

#2: 23 Apr 2013 08:15

offline XenoK


Any chance you'll be replacing these forums with futureBB? :D

#3: 30 Apr 2013 04:41

offline Devloper123


Sounds good.FutureBB Does

Hi! :) :P

#4: 30 Apr 2013 12:27

offline Jacob

user avatar

XenoK wrote
Any chance you'll be replacing these forums with futureBB? :D

Yes, we do plan on doing that when we are confident that it is suitable for our needs.

Jacob G.
Executive director and co-head developer

#5: 25 Nov 2015 05:31

offline Krett12


Today is my birthday, please send me some cake in the mail :P

Index » Announcements » Happy birthday! (Atom feed)

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