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Index » Suggestions » I don't know where to put this, but I could help you with the site (Atom feed)

Pages: 1

#1: 14 Feb 2013 04:55 - Edited

offline Laternenpfahl


LS97 started programming since a very young age. He journeyed through various programming languages and finally settled on his favourite combination of VB.NET, HTML and PHP. He loves making programs and has a passion for Operating Systems. LS97 founded SilviSoft Corporation, the company under which he made all of his software, and later joined FutureSight to make more awesome stuff!
that's incorrect.

I could do CSS.

#2: 23 Apr 2013 02:51

offline Stephen


Laternenpfahl wrote
LS97 started programming since a very young age. He journeyed through various programming languages and finally settled on his favourite combination of VB.NET, HTML and PHP. He loves making programs and has a passion for Operating Systems. LS97 founded SilviSoft Corporation, the company under which he made all of his software, and later joined FutureSight to make more awesome stuff!
that's incorrect.

I could do CSS.

Thank you for finding that typo, but we don't need any help with the site at this time. LS does most of our CSS, though Jacob and I can get by.

Index » Suggestions » I don't know where to put this, but I could help you with the site (Atom feed)

Pages: 1

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